Together We Can

Build a World Where people feel Safe, Strong & Valued

Who We Are

MAF (Mamou Aid Foundation) is a non-political, non-profitable organisation created to develop the capacity and skills of the members of the refugee and asylum seekers disadvantaged community in Leeds in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society.

To promote social inclusion for the public benefit in Leeds by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society.

The Trust may accept assets, personal or mixed, by way of gift, donation, from any person, firm, trust, corporation or government, to be held, administered and disposed of in accordance with and pursuant to the requirements of the establishment of Mamou Aid For All.

What We Do


— We Find & Fund

Gather and to organise meetings for our community without discrimination of race, gender, religion or village/ town of origin. 


— We Build Networks

To go forward by uniting our community for an economic development by helping all who need our support.


— We Strengthen

To improve educations for the youth and give opportunities to the most needy and disadvantage ones.


— We Educate

To help improve health and educational facilities in our community.To promote  culture and diversity for all; creating a reflective social and cultural value in the UK.


— We Provide Care

To assist the family in case of death of one of our members in the UK. MAFA can help  in case of serious ill healthfor those without family members present.


— We Consult

Encourage and support individual initiative and collective aimed at economic, social, educational and cultural in the coummunity. To assist in the creation of micro projects.

Impact Stories

Mohammed Was Just 12 when he lost both his parent to a car accident

Our trust has supported Mohammed and are now his full time sponsor and care.

A Brighter Future — For Children

we are here to empower and help children into education 
